Spring Day in Europe – 21st March 2003

The EU would like as many European Schools as possible to organize events that focus on a European theme on or around 21st March 2003. These can take any form: a school debate, a meeting with celebrities or experts involved in European matters, or an event that celebrates European culture. Pupils can even debate with schools in different regions or countries by organizing visits and internet debates. By taking part in Spring Day, young people can understand more about the EU and have their say in the future of Europe.

Schools can register their participation on the website. Participating schools will be presented with a certificate and will also be eligible for a ”˜myEUROPE/Spring Day’ award, worth a total of €20,000 in prize money.

More ideas are available from the Spring Day website. The ”˜Spring Teachers Team’ is a group of volunteer teachers from 28 European countries who can provide help and information to participating schools. Teachers can also join online discussion forums, chat online in the ”˜Plaza’, and even contribute a video clip explaining their own ideas for Spring Day. A newsletter will provide regular updates, and the site will expand as more schools join the project over the next three months.

The European Schoolnet (EUN) is also supporting Spring Day in Europe by providing ideas, tools and activities. They are also building European Spring Day schools networks to help bring schools from different regions and countries together.

Spring Day is an initiative of the European Convention. The aim of Spring Day is to encourage all manner of debate and discussion on Europe and what that means. Participants need not necessarily support the European Convention’s ideas ”“ some young people may feel that the European Union is not a good idea, or that a European Constitution is not needed – and the Convention would like contributions from these people too.

More information:
European Schoolnet